Ieee Internet Of Things Journal
International movement and connectivity are facing unprecedented challenges as an increasing number of countries around the world close their borders and impose travel restrictions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This report describes how severe congestion, poor air quality, increases in road accidents, and growth in energy consumption are resulting from rapid motorization in cities around the globe. At the tissue level, transport is the means by which substances are moved from the cell to the outside or to other parts of the body. The blood is the circulating fluid in the body of higher animals, including humans. It transports various molecules , such as oxygen , carbon dioxide and metabolic byproducts for excretion, hormones and other chemical signaling molecules, and nutrients (e.g. glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids). One of the major biological activities of a cell is the transport of biological molecules, ions, and substrates. Routers connect your business to the wor...